Three new loops, designed by Shaker08, have been added to the official distribution. Some of them have been added to work with the new “bi-sampler” wich eases fading between to parallel samples. Also, two sings that we recorded with other hackmeeting activists and were used in the a live performance to denounce the high presence of propietary software in the OSWC 08 have also been added
Also, those who find extremely annoying that the program leaves CEGUI.log files in the current working directory must be happy, the bug have been fixed.
Get all these nice things here.
I’m going to stop making short releases for a while to focus on my studies and porting all the GUI to MyGui. Most GUI related bugs such as clicks trespassing windows should be fixed once finished, and also the installation dependencies as we are going to distribute our own copy of MyGui by now.
Sadly, the last release had a grave bug in the installation process, related to a non-standard handling of installation directories. It is now fixed and I decided that, as it is a important bug that can cause problems to packagers, a new release was worth it -sorry for making so many releases in this short time. Thanks to Aleksander Morgado for discovering the problem.
Get it here!
Also, there are good news for those having problems compiling the program. Aleksander Morgado and Daniel Gonzalez have offered help to keep updated the Debian and Ubuntu packages. Many thanks!
Psychosynth 0.1.3 have just been released fixing many bugs and annoyances. Some of them include:
Also, we have strengthened the development method by writing test cases, and improved the error handling system of the program. Other important technical changes but they won’t show up until later releases.
Bueno, aquí va el mensaje de bienvenida a éste blog.
Supongo que ya os habréis percatado de que se trada un blog sobre el desarrollo del proyecto Pensync. Ahora mismo editaré un post en el blog para explicar con más o menos detalle en que consiste éste proyecto.
Y sin más, os doy la bienvenida. Espero que os guste el proyecto y recordad, que cualquier feedback es positivo!
Espero vuestros comentarios!
At last, a new release solving most compilation problems and with improved stability and efficiency has come out. It eases packagers work by including a manpage and desktop icon for the GUI. Go and get it, there is a link in the download page, only in source form. The installation guide has been updated, including troubleshooting tips.
I am quite sorry for the slow progress the project is taking lately. University has required me too much effort this term and I’ve been busy with many issues. One of them is the birth of a new hacklab in Granada
Also, note that a month ago an IRC channel for the project was started, #psychosynth @ freenode.org.
I just wanted to announce, in case anyone is insterested, that there will be two important events related two Free Software where there will be a Psychosynth tech talk and a networked showcase with Shaker08.
Photos of the speech in the ETSIIT have been published.
Hi gnus!
If you are near Granada (Spain), I will give a speech about GNU Psychosynth in the ETSIIT (School of Computer Engeneer and Telecommunications) next tuesday October 14th at 10:00 AM. The speech will contain more technical details than previous ones to make it more didactical for students of computer engeneering. I will also talk about the Spanish Free Software Contest for University Students.
The full programme of the event can be found here. The place @ google maps.
Psychosynth is now a GNU package!
The first consecuences are:
But, more important, this is a guarantee:
On the development side, I am working on a rewrite of some important core parts. The dynamic patcher is about tu suffer major changes so the connection matrix is not defined at compile time but dynamically on XML files with simple syntax. This is a first step to support plugins, so you can define your own XML file to handle the plugin’s dynamic patcher and map the plugin kind of ports to libpsynth kind of ports.
Also, we are changing the way ports are handled so we can support virtually any kind of data in the connection ports. This is a first step to support Midi message passing among objects and many other fancy features.
I’m sorry there are no new visible changes in the short term, but these internal changes are very important and will enable the development of many interesting features in the future.